Thanks for Dropping By

Thanks for dropping by and checking out my blog. I like to paint, knit, crochet and take a lot of pictures. I hope you enjoy looking at them and just maybe you can share some of your thoughts and ideas with me.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

This is my first attempt of a pastel painting.  I sure hope I improve.   You might can tell I added a little acyclic .  I like doing it, BUT, going to have to invest in better chalk and paper.  Maybe that will help.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Just another watercolor

I have painted this bird of paradise before.  I am looking for the first one so I can compare.  Not sure I like either one, but one thing for sure, I not going to paint it again!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


I found this recipe on line, and had to share it.  Going to try and make it this rainy week.  Maybe some corn bread would be good too.

8 Can Taco Soup

  • 1 (15 oz.) can black beans, drained and rinsed
  • 1 (15 oz.) can pinto beans, drained and rinsed
  • 1 (14.5 oz.) can petite diced tomatoes, drained
  • 1 (15.25 oz.) can sweet corn, drained
  • 1 (12.5 oz.) can white chicken breast, drained
  • 1 (10.75 oz.) can cream of chicken soup
  • 1 (10 oz.) can green enchilada sauce
  • 1 (14 oz.) can chicken broth
  • 1 packet taco seasoning
  1. Mix all ingredients together in a large pot.
  2. Heat until warm, stirring occasionally.
  3. Serve with tortilla chips.

Simi Valley

My sister Kristy and I took a little ride back in the hills of Simi Valley.  We found a beautiful wooded area.  Who knew.  Somewhere back there they shot "the little house on the prairie"  -- we never found that.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Saw this  you tube video today and loved it so I'm sharing it.  Who knew that you could wear a scarf so many different ways. (you can see it better if you make it full screen)

Friday, September 21, 2012

End of the Season

Hi all,
Well back in June I was worried that we would end up with no tomatoes.  So far, I'm guessing we have picked over 500 or so tomatoes.  The season is drawing down, and we're giving a lot of thought of thought to cutting our plantings in half for next year. 
Our volunteer morning glories have been a nice surprise to wake up to everyday.
It's not over, still a few more to ripen!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Found the Tomatoes

Well, there was no need to fear we wouldn't have tomatoes this year.  They are back!  They must have been hiding deep within the branches, but we found them!!
Some volunteer Morning Glories growing with Tomatoes!   
These are golden tomatoes, yum!

My favorite bush, Oleander,  is finally in bloom since my husband chopped if down to barely nothing.  But its back!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Where's my Tomatoes?

O.K. it's almost mid July and hardly any tomatoes.  Check out the plant --- it's almost as high as the roof, but only two tomatoes on this plant and they are green and the size of golf balls.  What's the matter?

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Bloodshot Iris

Just finished my latest watercolor.  Not sure whether I should outline flowers, leaves, etc.  Whata ya think?  Picture is not as sharp as it could be -- something wrong with the flash on my camera.  Check it out anyway.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


My good neighbor Ron was nice enough to give me some iris to plant last year, or was it the year before.  Anyway, they have multiplied and multiplied.   I'm going to separate them in a few months.  They are just getting too much.   Here are some pics, also put some that are growing in his yard too.
Take a look.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Virginia Irene Easter Outfit

Virginia Irene got a new Easter Outfit from her Auntie Natti.   It's not the dress she was hoping for, but beggars can't be choosers.  If we could only find somebody to give her a new diaper.  The one she has on is over ten years old!!! (not good)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Spring Trip to the South

A lot of our family lives in the South.  We try and make it there every year.  Here are some pics of our trip.
Spring has sprung!

A stray cat we saw in Gatlinberg.  I love his yellow eyes!

Home of an artist in Gatlinberg

Homestead at the entrance of Smoky Mountain National Park

My Princess
My  Prince

Gunther the wonder dog

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Poppy Painting

Just finished doing a poppy painting .   It is not my favorite painting -- I got the idea from a painting I saw on the internet.  Maybe it will grow on me.

It's a watercolor with touches of acrylic.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

It's a rainy sunday!

We really do need the rain, and I imagine this will probably be the last rain of the season.  It has been so dry this winter, I just had to take a few pics of the falling rain!
puddle on cement

plum tree in front yard

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Quote of the Day

Heard this quote on the radio.........thought it was funny!

I once had a rose named after me and I was very flattered. But I was not pleased to read the description in the catalog: no good in a bed, but fine up against a wall.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Bachelor

The Bachelor (t.v. show) drives me nuts.  But I love this little video Ellen did.  I promise I'm not going to watch this next season.  Well maybe I will.  Take a look!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


My friend Uta gave me an orchid for my birthday last year.  Low and behold its almost that time of year again, and my orchid is still alive.  As a matter of fact it has four new blooms with five just waiting to bloom.  I am just delighted that I kept it alive....take a look.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Valentine Day

After years of telling my husband, I do not want cut flowers for anything, birthdays, mother's day, valentine day.
He has finally got it.  This year for Valentine Day he gave me a potted hydrangea.  I absolutely love it.  Of course I had to play with it a bit on the computer.  I will plant it outside sometime next week.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Pot Holders

Started a new thing, pot holders.  A friend of mine has given me crocheted pot holders over the years.  Well, they are great.  You can't beat them.  They keep you hands from burning and they wash up like a dream.  I made one in the seed stitch, and the other in single crochet.  Got the pattern on Ravelry.  Take a look!

Pink is single crochet, white is seed stitch.
Booboo is checking it out, like he does everything!