Thanks for Dropping By

Thanks for dropping by and checking out my blog. I like to paint, knit, crochet and take a lot of pictures. I hope you enjoy looking at them and just maybe you can share some of your thoughts and ideas with me.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Two pics from the River cruise my sister and I took with a few friends.  Great time!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Pic of the month. I actually kinda like this one. Don't know what that means, cause I usually don't like anything I do when I first finish it...then it grows on me. I'll probably grow to hate this one. I think I need help!! BTW its "Half Dome" can't really tell because of the cloud covering the (half).

This little lady was walking on my wall.  Rushed to find a camera and all I could come up with was my Ipad.  She and her little ones had a hard time getting down off the wall, but did make it, and scurried off to my neighbor's yard.  You can't tell, but I think she had at least 5 babies.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

OK, here's an old watercolor painting that I revamped with pastel.  I think I put a little more life in it.  If you will note, the outhouse is not in a good place.  Too near the pond!! Should have put it back a lot further, we don't want it draining into the pond.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Latest Pastel Work of Art

My favorite time of year is Autumn.  I love the colors ....browns, orange, yellow and reds.  This picture is mostly orange.  It is of a river in the Smoky Mountains. (one of my favorite places to visit).