Thanks for Dropping By

Thanks for dropping by and checking out my blog. I like to paint, knit, crochet and take a lot of pictures. I hope you enjoy looking at them and just maybe you can share some of your thoughts and ideas with me.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Poppy Watercolor

Finished my latest watercolor.  Not liking it too much, but whata gonna do -- play with it on the computer?

So here it is - I think I like the computer ones better!


can't remember what this is computer or original.....

Monday, August 16, 2010

Icord Bracelet

I saw this bracelet on the internet and decided maybe I could make one too.  It said it was made with an Icord.

What is and Icord?  Well I looked it up on You Tube and holy moley there were the instructions.....pretty easy.
  Don't know if I'll make any more, but here is the one I just finished.

The cord looks blue in this pic, but it actually black.

Friday, August 13, 2010

New hat and scarf

Finished a new hat to go with the scarf I finished about 3 weeks ago.  Tried to coordinate the colors, but now that I look at it I think I should have gone with a rust color.  Oh well, maybe next time.  Trying to get more done for the boutique (first Saturday in November).

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Finished painting !!

I finally finished this @#$% painting.  It only took me a month, of course, I just worked on it now and then, but glad to say it's done!!  Now all I have to do is mat and frame it and give it a name.  Any ideas -- let me know.