Thanks for Dropping By

Thanks for dropping by and checking out my blog. I like to paint, knit, crochet and take a lot of pictures. I hope you enjoy looking at them and just maybe you can share some of your thoughts and ideas with me.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Finished painting !!

I finally finished this @#$% painting.  It only took me a month, of course, I just worked on it now and then, but glad to say it's done!!  Now all I have to do is mat and frame it and give it a name.  Any ideas -- let me know.


kandynmn said...

You know I'm not a cat lover but I have to say this is one of your best paintings.

Karen's Weigh said...

Thanks a bunch!

Anonymous said...

It was worth all the frustration.

Karla said...

Karen, The picture you painted of your cat is wonderful.