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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Winchester aka Chess aka booboo

Since our adoption of Winchester was an "open adoption," I want his previous parents to see his latest pictures and hear of his activities.  He seems to be a very well adjusted kitty.  He loves to eat, and every chance he gets he's into his food dish.  He is sleeping through the night, although once in a while he'll get up for a midnight snack.
He loves to play with his toys, especially a bird like toy from his Aunt Kristy.
Take a look:


Anonymous said...

Hi Karen and Family,

Thanks so much for sending the pictures. It is very clear that BOO-BOO (oddly I call my two little dogs the Boo-Boo stinky monsters)has landed in the lap of luxury;right where he belongs! I already know how loving and wonderful he is. It sounds like the perfect match!

Everybody, including people who literally said, "I hate cats, but this one is so cute and nice" fell in love with him. It really wasn't hard. He really brought a bright spot to our office and personnel.

Here is to many happy, cuddly years with him!


Anonymous said...

I just love him! He's so cuddly, I want to steal him and bring him to my house!